Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Ding FA DA Dong, Ding FA DA Dong

For me Christmas was a time of: laughter, idiocy, compulsive behaviors, and lots and lots of food. My memories of Christmas are filled with chainsaws, awful plane rides across the country, and lost luggage. Often times my day would end with me sleeping in someone else's bed or couch depending on the year (and always with new pajamas). The best of these memories for me includes: cooking marathons where endless pans of lasagna would be made, hours of fighting with the cookie gun for the perfect press cookie, exhaustion moving in with each roll of egg bow cookies, and lets not forget figuring out how to wrap those darn action figure packages all the while swearing about how someone should create a package easier to wrap... and I guess they did, in the form of x-box games. Each year, when Christmas Eve and Christmas day finally came, I would be flooded with the aroma of shrimp scampi, crab legs, artichoke dip, fresh ham, eggplant parmesan, lasagna,meatballs, butter cookies, fudge, peppermint cake, christmas cut-ups, and honey cookies. And all the while the sound of Bing Crosby's Christmas album playing in my head. It's with all this in mind that I put up my first blog. A Christmas blog dedicated to my own memory of Christmas. These first few photos are of my favorite time of year: COOKIE MAKING! After my Grandmother passed away and most of my family moved to Florida cookie making became a big tradition and a way to really keep the memory of her alive. Every year for Christmas my dad would fly our family of 4 from Utah to Florida and if we were lucky we would get there early enough to help make the cookies. This first one is blurry, but you can see my cousin Jill (from Jillsbelieveitornot) the baby must be Alexa (who is 7 now), my Aunt Ginny(her mother), My cousin Jeff (Jills brother) and his youngest son Justin. In this one we're making butter cookies (known to some as spritz cookies). The recipe belonged to my Grandma. These cookies require the cookie gun thingy and the hardest part is always to get the gun to work right followed by precise decorating as you can see. This next one has my Aunt Ginny again, with Jeffs son Jonathan (who gives the best hugs or used to but he's a teenager now, so who knows), and the poor boy with a double cowlick is Justin again. As you can see Jonny took his hat off in this one because rolling out the dough for these cookies is no joke! The dough for egg bows or honey cookies is like 10pounds of flower and 2 eggs (sorry, but it's my Grandmas secret recipe)After you figure out how to mix it all you have to roll the dough nearly paper thin, then cut the dough in strips, shape the strips, fry em, and coat em with honey and sprinkles. These cookies really require a group effort (thats why we try to con the little ones into rolling out the dough. HAHA) I love this photo. This is my mom and me holding my little cousins Alexa and Madison. Don't the babies look soo cute? This was the year that Jill spent like 2 hours curling all of my hair, but I don't think you can really tell in this pic. This is my dad in his usual stance. See my dad like most italians, thinks he knows EVERYTHING! and he thinks he should share his almighty opinion with everyone ... and really its useless to argue unless of course your me, and you also know everything. lol. in which his usual reply would be "yaw craaaaazy". Next to him sitting down is my Uncle Jeff (Jill and Justines Dad). The best thing about my Uncle Jeff is that he is one of few people who can offer my dad any real competition in an arguement. Above is me trying on a scarf my mother made me. The same scarf my father later told me (after too much red wine) looked like pubic hair. Lets just say that 3 years later I still have not found the confidence to wear it out of the house. See, I even have proof about the wine. Does anyone have a camera I can borrow???? In this one from near to far its Uncle Jeff, his son Jeff, My dad, and Justines hubby Jimmy. Awww what a cute snuffy dog. As many of you who follow my cousins blog (Jillsbelieveitornot) may know, Disney was a big part of tradition in my family and the holiday season for me usually ended with a silly day after Christmas family tradition we called "theme park day". Every year we picked a different theme park to go to. Disney, Epcot, Magic Kingdom, Islands of Adventure, Universal Studios, Sea World, we did them all. Looking back at some of the photos and listening to my husband recall his one time attending this event I wonder was it really a good idea or just plain catastrophe? While we all had good intentions with theme park day its really just an awful idea for a tradition. First off: any florida resident can tell you that the day after Christmas is like THE worst day to go to a theme park because there are huge crowds. Second: Who the HELL has a dime to spend the day after Christmas? Third: Why the HELL weren't we at the mall taking advantage of those after holiday deals if we had so many dimes to spare?? Fourth: how the HELL can you make it through a theme park with 20 italians? I mean, who is going to be the leader? All 20 italians think that their plan is the best plan. and All 20 italians will argue about that until they die because they all know everything, right? Fifth: Since no 20 italians can agree when its a good time to get a hot dog or a soda it takes 2 hours just to get to the line for the ride, which will also have a 3 hour wait. so if you add that up it takes about 5 hours per ride so you might get to go on 2 rides, maybe 3 if one group of italians accidentally gets lost while going to the bathroom and you run to the next ride instead of waiting for them. lol. All in all I think we had good intentions, but I'll let you be the judge. I only have 3 pictures of theme park day, but I think you'll get the idea pretty quick. This is probably one of our million bathroom, drink, or smoke breaks that the day seemed to revolve around. Notice there is no smiling face to be found? Yet another break which I am apparantly thrilled about. I think this is the only group photo ever taken after theme park day and its hard to imagine after 12hours of treking through a theme park together that everyone appears to be smiling. Sorry some of the photos are weird, but most of my momento type stuff is still back at my parents house in utah, which is a hell of a long walk from ohio. lol. so these will have to do. The last picture is of My Christmas tree this year. I tried to do red and gold theme. I even bought solid red lights and white lights. The only problem is now you can't see what color any of the ornaments are cuz your blinded by red lights. lol. oh well. Live and Learn, right?


Justine said...

We fixed it! We fixed it!!!!!!! And you even wrote who is who on the pics. Well, except for the one of ME and Madison, with Snuffie in the background. Oh, why can't I look like that again dammit?

I so remember when you mom gave you that pubic hair scarf and your father wouldn't shut up about it! Heeheeheeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!

Welcome to blogland!

Cousin Tiney :o )

SG said...

Ha Ha Ha! I love how you didn't even bother to comment on Justine in that pic. Just the dog! LMAO!!

I'm Justine's favorite bitch in the whole world! Nice to meet you.

How adorable were Alexa and Madison in that pic. And Mikayla was just so cute! Justine looked good too but don't tell her I said that. I will just deny it anyway.

I cannot even imagine all 20 of you at a theme park. I can just imagine how long it takes you all to plan your next ride. I will be sure to check back with you before I spend my next trip at Disney.... I'll make sure none of you are around hogging all the rides.

OMG! The pubic hair scarf! That's hysterical. And disgusting.

And I think your tree looks great!

Terrie's Lil' Piece of Serenity said...

Just coming by to say, Hi! from Jill's. It's nice to meet you. Your blog is beautiful. I hope you enjoy being in blogland.

squawmama said...

Welcome little one.... Love your blog & love the pictures... what a riot... I love your family and so I know I will love you too... My daughters are both going to nursing school... well actually one graduated last Thursday... Go visit my youngest daughter at Qtpie's Corner... she is still going to school... Merry Christmas... Come by and visit me


Tootsie said...

Just came from Justine's to say hello and welcome to blogland! we are a fun bunch and hope you enjoy it here with us!
Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Well, my Italian friend, welcome to Blogland. You're going to like it here, I think. Loved your Blog and also your cousins. I love hanging around Italians, they are the rowdiest people I know. I'll never turn down a party, wedding or anything hosted by them. When you get time come by my place for a visit, I love meeting new friends.


Anonymous said...

Well, I wrote 2 comments now about how much I wanted to welcome you to Blogland and it was rejected, so this is a short note to see if it works, if not I'll go back to Tinney's and tell her

niartist said...

Welcome to Blog Land! I followed Justine over, and I have to say you've got a great coach in her. She knows just about everything there is to know about blogs, and blogspot. You'll do great! I'll come back often! Merry Christmas!

nikkicrumpet said...

A big Howdy and welcome to blogland. You're going to love it here...even if Jill and Justine try really hard to embarass you...just ingnore them...we do hehehe. The blog looks beautiful...you have a wonderful start!

Unknown said...

Welcome to blogging! I love your Christmas memories and you are a very strong writer!
Come by for a visit sometime.

Anonymous said...

Hello - am I your first English bloggie friend?

Justine sent me over here - well I can only imagine the ear-ache she'd give me if I didn't!

Of course you MUST have even more dirt to dish on both Jill and Justine??? Feel free to share - we love them dearly.

Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and 2009 is a great year for you.


Bridget said...

Hi Chessie, I'm one of Justine's few normal friends. LOL
Welcome to blogland. I can't stop laughing about the scarf. I have one in brown and I don't wear mine either.
TTFN, Bridget

Jill said...

Hey girl! Finally I can comment! I am soooooooooooooo sad that you aren't here for Christmas!!!!!!!!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! It's just not the same with out you and me argueing about how to make the cookies! So guess what??? I didn't bother making any of them! Alexa and I made chocolate chip cookies with red and green M&m's for Santa!

I miss you sooooooooooooo much! I even missed the egg cookies this year because I was at Justine's! I made copies of all your pictures so I could have them! I don't think I was a big picture taker back then!
I love and miss you cousin!!!

love Jill
P.S. Welcome to Blogland! I am not blogging for a couple of days but when I do I will be sure to send some of my friends your way!

QtPiE said...

Hey Chessie, it is very nice of you to come by and see me on my blog, I know we have alot in common...LOL, I am almost 33 years old and I know that without a doubt nursing school is the hardest thing I have ever done! Anyways love your blog and let me tell you, I really laughed at the part where you said a new pair of pajamas every year, since I can remember, my mother and father every year let us open up 1 present on Christmas eve, and it was always pajamas, I have carried that tradition on with my children and this year they just begged and begged for a "REAL" present...I said I got pajamas every year for Christmas eve and you are too, not a punishment, well frankly because you look so cute Christmas morning in your new pj's for my pictures...oh well, I love it, it just makes Christmas morning that much better...they will probably do it too! Well come by and say hey every once and a while, btw, where are you doing nursing? hospital? what kind of floor? okay, I will end this book now, till then ta ta for now, Jen

Anonymous said...

Hi Chessie and I want to welcome you too to the Land of Blog! Oh, we all love your Justiney and Jill and know we're going to love you too! Loved all your pictures!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)

Lisa (aka) French said...

Just dropping some love and a hello from blogland;) Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas;) Hugs French;)

Picket said...

Hey friend..just came over from Justine's to welcome you to blogland....I loved seeing your family pics of years gone by...loved Justine's hair like that! lol You will love it here in blogland..Happy New Year to you & yours!

Justine said...

My eyes! My eyes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Change the damn font! Ewwwwwwwwwww! Red on pink? And hey, Christmas is over anyway, so go to thecutestblogontheblock.com and find a new background! Love ya!~

Tiney :o )

Raxx - A day in the life said...

Hi there! I'm Justine's friend from Trinidad! Justine thinks my hubby is cheap for not getting me a proper viedo camera and wonders how I survive without air conditioning! Welcome to blogland!

Oh and I dont swim from island to island (long story.